After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Chapter 30

The boy, not liking the idea of being under the eyes of strangers, including one holding big, tempting bag of candy while stealing glances at him, was about to coil up, when his eyes spotted the figure of someone familiar in the crowd. 'H-huh? Kind Mister?' He thought, squinting his eyes to see clearly.

And just like he had thought, the tall man walking by, with a phone to his ear, was indeed the man he had ran into in the halls of the hospital.

Without thinking twice, nor listening to the calling voice of his temporary supervisors, Ashely bolted into the crowd and towards the tall figure

At that moment, Gabriel had just finished wrapping up a business call with one of his several clients, the owner of said Amusement park her was currently walking in, when he suddenly heard a familiar and tiny voice call out. ""Kind Mister!"

Looking up from the screen of his phone, the man was greeted by the sight of a running boy heading his way.

Ashely, tiny as he was, barreled his way through the crowd, all the while waving his hands in the air to catch Gabriel's attention.

As he got closer to his target, the corners of his lips began to stretch, giving way for a boxy, yet adorable smile to form on his face.

Gabriel watched him all the while his heart feeling like it was melting with each passing second that he allowed his heart to remain on the approaching child.

That feeling however, was crowded and overrun by something different and dark.

A sense of inessential Jealousy that crept it's way into Gabriel's chest, wrapping itself around his heart like poisonous vines, once he remembered that the child he gazed so softly at, as the product of his ex wife and another man's sexual indulgence.

Act Fast: Free Bonus Time is Running Out!


The Countenance Of A Fathur And Son

The Countenance Of A Father And Son.

With a neutral expression on his face, Gabriel calmed his thoughts and heart alike before they could spiral out of control, and gave a simple nod in Ashely's direction, acknowledging him yet showing clearly that he had no intention of interacting with the younger male. At least for now, with his frame of mind, he had no intention of facing him. Perhaps some

other time.

Turning around, he ignored the look of confusion on Ashely's face and attempted to walk away. That was until the rowdy voices of a certain group of men caught his attention.

They were walking in the direction where Ashely now stood still, looking at him, while carrying a stack of weighty and unbalanced technical props.noveldrama

As they got closer to Ashely, the props wobbled, showing signs topping over in the nearest future and Ashely, well Ashely was blissfully ignorant of his impending doom.

Seeing the scene play out in his mind, Gabriel cursed. He was already mentally exhausted, and now he had to add this situation into the equation?


Quickly, he made a beeline for Ashely, hoping that he would get there on time and before the boy encountered any harmful situation.

"Hey, watch where the fuck you're going." He scolded the guys carrying the prop, successfully pulling Ashely out of their path and avoiding whatever doom had almost occurred.

"You should be more careful with this things you carry around," Gabriel scolded, wrapping his hand around Ashely like a protective father.

"Uh, we're... we're sorry man." One of the guys, apologized as they had momentarily seized their careless meandering.

"Yeah," The second guy agreed. "We weren't trying to out your kid in harm."

Gabriel, who was about to let go of his tight grip around Ashely, halted. "My kid?"

"Yeah, I mean, he's your son right?" The third guy questioned, glancing at the boy from Gabriel's arms. "Shit, isn't he?"

Before Gabriel could reply, the leader of the three spoke. "Uh, not like it concerns us. The kid's safe, we've apologized and that's all that matters. Come in guys, we have a set up to complete. "He beckoned his small group away.

Once they were gone, mixed with the crowd, Gabriel discarded their words and turned the boy. in his grip around, facing him.

"Don't you know how dangerous it is go stand unaware in crowded places like this?" He asked,

The Countenance Of & Father And Son,

his voice was calm and soft, a stark difference to how his eyes held the opposite of emotions.

Ashely was quick to pick up on his change in attitude, Although this was the second time meeting this kind mister, he could tell the difference in attitude and quickly began to wonder if he had done or said something wrong during their last meeting. "L...

"He started, unsure of how to explain the reason why he had gone about carelessly in ant environment such as this one.

Gabriel was still waiting on his answer. His hand had long since been released from his grip and his arms had found their place on his hips.

After a while, Ashely's answer not forthcoming, he sighed and lead them to a less crowded part of the amusement park before asking a familiar question.

"Now tell me, where's your guardian this time around?"

Ashely pointed towards the restroom without hesitance.

Gabriel, after glancing in the direction of his finger, nodded his head, sighing yet again." Alright, not that I'm a big fan of it," he muttered, still wanting to stand on his choice of getting away as soon as possible. "But it looks like I'll have to hang around until your guardian. gets out.'


Whether it was a suggestion, offer or command, Ashely didn't care. Furiously grappling at the chance to spend more time with this Kind mister, he quickly nodded his head.

And just like that, the wait began. A minute, two minutes, three minutes. Five minutes and yet, no sign of Anastasia stepping out from the restroom, well, not like Ashely was complaining.

In fact, he was enjoying his time with Gabriel quite well. Despite how less talkative he seemed, Ashely found just seating beside him and having small baby talks, entertaining.

Gabriel on the other hand, contrary to how he had felt when he had first spotted Ashely, he now wanted to hang around him a little long and was no longer in a rush to leave. And the younger boy's constant small talks were keeping in entertained and soothing the disturbing feelings that had arose in his chest.

A few more minutes in silence and that was when Gabriel finally took notice of the stolen glances Ashely was giving the fleets of amusement park games lined up outside the spot they were waiting.

"You wanna play?" He asked, nudging his head in the direction of the games once he had gained Ashely's attention.

The boy seemed hesitant to answer, so Gabriel added. "Your Guardian,"

"Aunt Annie," Ashely corrected.

"Right, Aunt...Annie. She doesn't seem to be coming out anytime soon, so, do you want to

The Crunterlande Of A Father And Son

check those out?" He asked again.

Ashely glanced back at the games and then at Gabriel.

"Well, do you?"

"Yes!" He replied, excitedly.

Gabriel nodded and extended his hand. "Let's go then."

Taking Ashely's hand in his, he walked towards the waiting area, leaving a note with a

supervisor present; stating that Ashely was with him, before jetting off with said boy towards the gaming section.

"Alright, what do you want to play first?" Gabriel asked, allowing the boy to decide which game they would first play.

Ashely looked around, taking his time, before he stopped and pointed at a stall, catching the attention of the man he was with.

"You...want to try this one?" Gabriel asked, pointing towards the stall Ashely was pointing.

The boy nodded.

"Alright," he shrugged. "I guess we'll be trying this one first."

Stepping into the stall, both Ashely and Gabriel were welcomed by the bright lights, colorful props and a cheery man, who was running the game.

"Welcome! Welcome!" He exclaimed. "Please pick your weapons and let's get the fun started."

"Oh, I wanna chose this one!" Ashely excitedly pointed at a random gun.

"This one?" Gabriel questioned, picking the gun and examining it. "This is not a real gun, it?" He asked the stall attendant.


The man chuckled, retrieving the toy and tucking it behind in his drawer before answering. " Of course not. Now since you two came together, should I assume you're registering for the contest." "Contest?" They chorused.

The stall owner, sensing their confusion, pointed towards the poster on the top right corner of his shop. "Yeah, the competition is simple. If you hit all the targets as a team, you get a photo and the biggest prize." He pointed towards a grey koala bear that was Ashely's exact height.

"Ohh, I wanna play! Kind mister, play with me, won't you?"

Gabriel thought of rejecting the offer, but after seeing the puppy eyes, Ashely's secret weapon, he sighed, admitting defeat before the battle actually began.

The Counteralize Of A Father And Scril

"Fine," He picked up his own weapon, handing Ashely a lighter gun than that of which he had picked up before ruffling his hair. "Let's get you that price, shall we?" Ashely, excited, nodded, grinning from ear to ear

"That's the spirit." The stall owner laughed, gesturing for the pair to get into position." Ready? Play!"

With that, the game began and much to the stall owner's surprise, ended pretty soon with all of his balloons popped.

"W-wow." He blinked. "You two are quite skilled. Here, this is the grand prize." He pointed. towards the koala.

"Yay!" Ashely cheered, running over to take the prize from the man. "We won!"

"You guys sure did. In fact, you two were the one ones capable of achieving this feat today. How about I capture a photo of this victory for you both?"

"Uh," It was Gabriel's turn to hesitate.

But Ashely wasn't buying it. Without giving Gabriel an option, he tugged him by the hand, pulling him towards the picture section.

"Come in Kind mister, let's get photos."

"Who again was on about not trusting strangers during our first meeting?" The man being pulled along mumbled underneath his breath.

"Here, look here," Ashely pointed at the camera which the shop owner was setting up.

"Okay, and now," The photographer took a few snaps smiling at the Countenance of father and son the both had. "That's great. One more for the road." He instructed and snapped the last picture, but glancing at it, the younger boy in the picture seemed all blurred out. "Hey..." He began, raising his gaze from the camera lenses and towards his subjects in front, however, the rest of his words died on his tongue when he saw that Ashely was no longer on Gabriel's laps.

And a third figure who was now cradling Ashely protectively while glaring ferocious daggers at Gabriel, had joined them.

The third figure in question was Leonica, and she did not like what she had seen.

One. Fucking. Bit.

Do tof Lake Him That Much

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