His Rejected Mateless Luna

Chapter 16


Sunlight streamed into my father’s lavish sickroom, lending false vigor to his gaunt features against the plush pillows.

I prayed the dawn’s radiance portended hope, not a cruel irony Father had lingered languidly near death’s door for weeks as his mysterious illness wasted his body relentlessly away, always rllying just long enough to kindle fragile hope before the next precipitous decline.

But now, miraculously, in the scant handful of days since Terra’s arrival, that dreaded pattern seemed to have reversed. No longer did Father lie motionless but for labored breaths, the stillness of a tomb except for the pestilent stench of decay permeating the heavy velvet drapes around his four–poster bed,

Now he could sit upright unaided for short period cid enough to hold fragmented conversation or sip broth and weakened tea. The pallid tinge to his skin showe signs of healthy pink renewal. Even his silver mane and beard

gleamed brighter, as if reflecting an inner vitalityiting.

Each small sign of returning strength felt astonishing.

None of the seven prior specialist healers had managed to provide more than transient flickers of false hope before Father inevitably slid back toward death’s insatiable grasp. But somehow, incredibly, Terra had succeeded where so many knowledgeable experts failed.

Not that it entirely surprised me. The extraordinary depth of Terra’s empathy and compassion had showed even as a young orphan new to our pack.

When we first met as children scarcely old enough to shift forms, I had been both fascinated and humbled by her instinctive kindness toward all living things, even the lowliest beetles or spiders other young wolves reflexively crushed without a thought.

That rare spirit of grace had only grown stronger in our years apart, distilling into a potent elixir that seemed to heal broken souls as readily as failing bodies..

I lingered in the doorway a moment, observing unnoticed as Terra fluttered briskly about the room, busily tidying pill bottles and replacing stale water in the crystal carafes on the nightstand. Mundane tasks, yet she performed them with such sincere care, as if my father’s comfort superseded all else. Her very presence seemed to radiate vitality, flowing into him like restorative light.

When she leaned over to plump the goose down pillows herself rather than calling for a servant, fiery curls escaping the loose braid falling down her back, my breath arrested painfully in my chest.

Even focused intently on some simple chore, head bent, she was resplèndent. The gracious maturity she had grown into only enhanced her ethereal beauty. I could have lingered worshipfully in that doorway observing her forever.

As if sensing my heavy stare, Terra glanced up abruptly from smoothing the silk coverlet. Surprise flitted across her delicate features before she schooled them back to impassiveness. After an awkward pause, she inclined her head politely.

“Good morning, Nathan. I trust you slept well?” The propriety in her tone remained guarded, but lacked the icy undercurrent from when she first arrived.

We had settled into an uneasy truce for Father’s sake, interacting with cautious civility if little real warmth. But I clung to each small sign her wariness diminished, proof my devoted patience was slowly wearing her defenses down.

Very well, thank you.” Sleep remained elusive with her so near, my hyper–aware senses attuned to Terra’s every movement within these walls. But I masking the lingering fatigue from restless nights pacing empty halls. She need not know the visceral ache of our damaged bond kept me from rest.

11:10 Thu Aug 22 tiến

Clearing my throat, I stepped farther into the sunlit room, careful not to approach too closely and trigger unease. “And how is our patient faring this fine morning?”noveldrama

Improving daily, it seems.” Terra’s clinical tone softened slightly with a smile toward the bed where Father dozed upright against plush pillows. “His strength returns more each day. I believe he’s past the worst of it now.”

“He has you to thank for this miraculous turnaround,” I said earnestly. Her rare unguarded smile made my chest constrict. But it hurts to feel it has nothing to do with me. But it’s of like of the proud doctor seeing his patients heal. “I can never fully express my gratitude, Terra.”

Pink bloomed on her fair cheeks at the effusive praise, but Terra kept her eyes trained on straightening the items on the nightstand, avoiding my fervent gaze. “Your father’s fortitude plays the largest role in any healing,” she deflected modestly. “I merely facilitated what his spirit already yearned to accomplish

“A kind perspective, but you give yourself too little credit.” Unable to resist, I gently grasped her slim wrist as she reached to fluff the pillows yet again, stilling her nervous fussing. Her almond–shaped eyes jerked up to meet mine, lips parting instinctively. The fresh, delicate scent rolling off he

addled my senses.

“This family owes you far more than we can ever repay,” I continued hoarsely. “Especially myself. You’ve given back years I never deserved with him. I won’t forget that, Terra.”

Her lithe wrist remained captured in my light clasp, pulse thrumming rapidly against my fingertips.

Those striking mossy eyes held mine a heartbeat longer, uncertainty warring across her delicate features. The lean cords of muscle in her arm tensed subtly, though she did not pull away.

Just then Father stirred slightly, turning his head toward us with a sleepy murmur.

The spell broke – Terra quickly extricated herself from my loose grasp, cheeks blooming a charming pink. Clearing her throat, she resumed fussing needlessly with the bed linens and pillows.

“You’re too kind. Now, I really must be going,” she muttered without meeting my eyes. “Please have the nurse alert me if he needs anything else today. Excuse me.”

Before I could formulate a response, Terra slipped past me and through the imposing doors in a flutter of white linen skirts. The hand that had clasped hers still tingled warmly. That simple contact had awakened our fractured bond, sending lightning arcing wildly across my skin, down to my very soul.

I feel this bind since I once laid my eyes on her. This great pull. Between us.

I brush it as my longing for her. But now that I touched her I can feel it.

She’s my second chance mate.

I’m forever grateful for the goddess for this.

But for some reason Terra didn’t seems to feel it too.

Could she not sense it the bond?

The inexorable link between us, molded by the goddess’s own hand, thrummed as painfully alive as the day fate tore us violently asunder.

How Terra remained oblivious to the magnetic pull even now trying to draw us back together, I could not fathom.

Somehow I must find the words to awaken her to this undeniable connection still kindling between us. But patience and care remained critical. I could not repeat old mistakes by demanding more from Terra than she was prepared to give.

This time I would let her warm to me again freely, on her own terms.

My instincts raged impatiently, urging me to simply sweep her into my embrace and rekindle our bond through possessive passion.

But rational thought prevailed. Forcing myself back on her too quickly, before trust rebuilt, would only drive Terra farther away.

I must restrain the wolfish impulses clamoring, however maddening their savage cravings grew as her scent faded.

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