Chapter 40
Chapter 40
"Happy Happy Birthday Maya."
Everyone shouted and all she could do was stand there with tears in her eyes. It's as if she couldn't
believe that all that Kyle had done was for her. At the moment Chris just thought with his heart. For
once in his life, he thought using his heart and not mind.
Isn't that what most people do? They think with there minds always forgetting that their hearts can also
make decisions too. For instance, you can find yourself in love with two people but you've no idea on
which to choose. My advice, listen to your heart because the heart wants what it wants.
Chris moved closer to her once again and pulled her into his arms. She was crying but this time for
happiness. He just rubbed her back and let her to calm herself down which she did.
"Did you like the surprise, crying baby?" Kyle asked walking over to her.
Chris let Maya to pull away from her and went to embrace her her best friend. It was the sweetest site
to admire because Kyle was fighting her tears too.
"Thank you so much Kyle." Maya said pulling away. "But you didn't have to go through all this trouble."
"Anything for you dear..."
"Guess I lost this bet." Leonel said walking behind Kyle.
Kyle turned around to look at him. "Told you. My two dollars now."
Maya looked at Leonel as he pulled out his two dollars out. "You know, I thought you would be strong
than that, Maya." He said handing Kyle the money.
"Chris don't pretend, I won."
Chris rolled his eyes at her and took a five dollar and gave it to Kyle. Of course, he had lost to her too.
It seems that Kyle knew Maya more than the two of them. He wasn't in the same bet as Mr Ambrose
but his was about the colour. He was sure that Maya would wear her white dress with black shoes but
Kyle said they would be blue in color hence the bet.
And now Maya wore blue shoes that he had seen when they left the house. And since he was such a
gentleman, he let himself loose without cheating. He would have asked her to wear black since they
stay in the same house and Kyle would have never known about it.
"What's all this about?" Maya asked looking at both of them.
"Actually, this guys over here pretended to know you better than me." Kyle explained putting her money
in the purse. "And we had to bet, your husband said you would wear black shoes and I said you would
wear blue." Kyle pointed at her shoes. "And as for Leo here, he said you won't cry since you love so
much to hide your feelings and you did." Kyle smiled at both of them.
"So in other words, you're making money with my name?"
"You my friend." Kyle said moving closer to her. "Can make me very rich. All I've to do is bet on you."
Chris watched Maya open her mouth to say something but someone approached her to wish a happy
birthday. This went on with more people around her making small conversation and he loved how they
interacted with her.
Kyle had thought of the perfect place to hold her birthday. The hospital hall wasn't a bad idea since this
is what Maya loved. Her patient. It was filled with them and the family members since it just so happens
that Maya had only three friends with him counted as a friend.
The hall was decorated in white and blue which happened to be Maya's favourite colours. Chris smiled
at that thought. The first time he had taken her to the garden, he asked her her favorite colour after
telling Maya his but she just laughed and changed the topic.
Who would have thought that he would know through her birthday. White roses were in each table and
the smell from the inside was more refreshing than the one on the outside. Kyle had really done a good
job. She had proven herself worth of doing business with his and that's why he had carried the drafted
Yes, today was they day they became business partners. From today Kyle will be having her own
company and he was giving her his empty building in Na...
"If you keep staring like that, you won't make it through her party."
Chris' thoughts were cut short only to realise that he hadn't stopped looking at Maya who was only
distance away. He turned to look at Wesley who was just smirking at him.
"I think you're the one who won't make it, Wes." Chris smiled at his friend as he took a glass of wine
from a passing waiter.
Wesley did the same. "And why not?"
Chris this time just laughed.
"Dude, do you've to ask me that?" He took a sip of his wine and looked at Maya's direction. "Maya is
coming this way."
Wesley didn't even turn. Chris watched as the colour from his face drain. Since the day Maya had worn
Kimberly's clothes and Maya had learned about it after the line opening, Wesley had thought that Maya
was mad at him and he hadn't showered himself to her.
Not till today and he came because Chris had assured him that Maya would forgive him since its her
birthday. If it wasn't for that, then he wouldn't be here. And it was all for nothing if he kept on hiding
from her.
"You know, you should really approach her, Wes."
"What if she gives me silent treatment?"
"And how will you know if you haven't even tried?" Chris moved close to his friend. "And in case she
does, you'll survive if I did that."
Wesley turned to look at Maya and at that very same time Maya looked Chris' direction only to lock her
eyes with Wesley. She smiled at him and turned as quickly as he could from her gaze.
"Is that a murder smile or something?"
Chris smiled at him. "It's up to you to find out." He parted Wesley's shoulder. "And my sweet wife is no
murder, okay?"
"Fine man, but..."
"Wesley, long time no see." That was Maya from behind him.
"Small sis." That was the fake smile Chris had ever from Wesley as he turned around to Maya.
"You never come to visit anymore." She complained as if she held nothing against him.
Or had they been the one who had read too much in between the lines?
"I thought you were ma..."
"Or it's your friend who asked you never to come back again?"
"Of course not." Wesley turned to look at his friend. "And if he did that, I wouldn't listen to him." He
smiled nervously at her, "on the contrary, I thought you're mad at me."
Chris watched Maya closely to see her reaction but she didn't react. In fact she smiled at him and said
she wasn't mad. To her, he wasn't at fault of the past mistakes and everything. Wesley wished her a
happy birthday and she smiled thanking him.
They did chit chat about random things which weren't even Chris' interest. Instead, he help Kyle to
make everything was running smoothly as it had been planned. The music was different genres hence
favouring everyone that was around.
And once everyone was settled and served for their meal, it was time for the chosen few to make
speeches. First it was Kyle, then Leonel and Chris who apparently had allot to say to the world but not
through a speech, but through a song that he had written for his wife.
The hall was silent as they all looked at him and lent his their eyes. The lights went off as the spot light
was on him. Mic at hand, he began to sing.
I bunk my head against the wall,
I bunk my fist against the wall,
You're the whisky in my vibes, Why is it there is no rehab for love?
I've been up against it all,
But this feeling is so new to me,
I wake up in the middle of the night,
My bed is full of water,
Why won't you let me go?
I bunk my fist against the wall,
You're my are intoxicating me slowly,
Please tell me why there is no rehab for love?
I'm so intoxicated by you're love,
It makes me want kill just to have it,
I've been up against it all,
But this love is something new,
Please I'm begging you,
Please be my rehab for this love,
Cause I need one..
And applause were everywhere. People were screaming his name and all he could do was just bow
before them. This was the first time he ever performed after his marriage with Maya. Hell, since the day
he met Maya and that was months ago that he had almost forgotten about the feeling.
The feeling of so much joy as people shout your name and all that. But now, now his eyes were
concentrated on one person. His wife but in a way it felt like Deja Vu since its how he met her.
It's how he had felt like she was the only one who had watched him during his one hour performance
on that day. That day. It's that day that had made him to be with her to day. To see her every single day
and remind him of that kiss.
Yes, he was in love with her and that, he had admitted to himself. He had accepted it and it was left for
his love to know about his feeling. Tonight, he was going to tell her this very night and know if she felt
the same.
If she didn't, he would understand. Hell, he would even deserve it for what he had done to her before. It
was time he let the whole world know of his undying love for his wife and the first thing he had done
was to sing a love song for her.
He didn't know how or when Maya had walked up to him but when she pulled him into an hug, he
couldn't hold his joy. It was too much. She didn't do that to fake anything, in fact, they didn't fake
anything at all. They looked real even without them trying anything and it was that same reason he
wanted them to be real even in maternal matters.
"Thank you."
"For what?" He asked holding her never to let go.
"Everything, Chris." She sobbed.
"Hey." He pulled away her rubbing her tears away. "Your giving people the wrong impression, they'll
think that I hurt you. Please don't cry."
"I can't help it."
"Then I think that I should..."
"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the birthday girl to have her first dance." Kyle announced looking at
Maya's direction. "Please, open the floor."
"Before everyone takes you away from me," he bowed a little. "May I please have this dance?" Chris
held his hand out which she took.noveldrama
The two walked on the dance floor and again, the lights were dimmed with a spotlight on them. Maya
placed her hands on Chris' shoulder as he placed his on her waist pulling her closer to him. They
danced to the slow music and somewhere in between Maya moved closer that there was no space
between the two of them and laid her head on his shoulder.
He felt the tension between them and he knew she also felt it. It's like she was waiting for him to say
something which he had no idea himself. He had no damn idea of what to do with his quick beating
heart himself.
Why is it that he never felt this with Kimberly? He thought he loved her. Thought? Was that it? Had he
used his mind to love Kimberly instead of his heart? Of course, she was beautiful. She had everything
that a man would want in a woman, too bad, he wasn't that man.
He was never that man in fact and she also knew it. What else would explain her not anyone wanting to
know that they're in a relationship when he had everything. That had him more convinced that he was
never made for Kimberly. His place was with Maya. She was the one whom she loved. The one she
adored so much. The one that he would kill just to have her.
Call it obsessed or whatever you want but to him, she was his life. He would die without her by his side
and that's why he chose to tell her his feels for her today itself.
"Why are you breathing heavily, kitten?"
She didn't answer. Instead she buried her head even deeper if that was possible.
"You're feeling it too, aren't you?"
Maya just nodded her head still hiding her head on his shoulder. Chris moved his hand from her waist
to her back rubbing it smoothly.
"I so want to kiss you Maya." He continued to rub her back as they moved with the music. Everyone
else were also busy either dancing or conversing to each other.
She still said nothing but this time she pulled up to look at his eyes. He was sure as hell that his eyes
were dark blue at the moment. That's what she saw and she leaned in this time to actually kiss him and
they did this time. Their was no phone call or anyone to stop them. Nothing would have stopped them
at that moment.
Her lips were as soft as he could remember them. Them just being pressed against his had him so
excited that it hurt him. Their lips moved together and when they did, it was paradise. Those full lips of
hers were going to be the death of him one day. Of course they fought for dominance and Maya won
over him. How, he had no idea but he let her. She was in control.
Chris felt his lower lip sting and when he was about to curse he felt Maya's tongue linger with his. It
was as sweet as he could remember. Kissing her. Hell, it was even better than before. This was the first
time he kissed her as his wife and he cursed himself for not doing this everyday.
Yes first. When he kissed he thinking it was Kimberly, that isn't counted to him. Chris felt himself groan
which had him remembering that they weren't the only ones around there.
Maya pulled away after a few seconds with swollen lips which had Chris feel proud of himself. He had
done that. Him and not another man. Maya smiled at him and he smiled back. Just when he was about
to peck her lips, Wesley came towards them.
"You guys almost did it in front of everyone." He said pulling Chris away. "People think that you're the
one who organised this whole thing and there asking to speak with you." Wesley stood in between
Maya and Chris. "Ooh! Don't worry, I'm a better kisser than you're so she won't be bored."
"You better not try anything, Wes."
"Don't worry, Chris." He took Maya's hand placing it on his shoulder. "I'm already brother zoned,
"And who said its forever?" That was Maya teasing him too.
Wait a minute, Maya? Teasing me?
But us was true. But before he could say anything, someone came over to ask for him. He went with
them and it just so happened that there were more people who wanted his time and attention. They
asked about the party organised leading him to introducing them to the brain behind it all.
Kyle had already ten clients who wanted her to organise their events.
"Wow!" Chris said when everyone had left the two of them. "You're already famous with just one
"Thank the luck charm on my first boyfriend." Kyle said laughing but her laughter wasn't an happy one
as much as she tried to hide it. "He knew about my charms and it helped him. He must be happy
wherever he is now."
"Ooh, your not the type that still talks with there ex." Chris laughed to lighten the mood. "Have you met
my best friend, Wesley?"
Kyle laughed. "He is your best friend?" She asked in disbelief. "No offence but your friend, is a
She said looking where Wesley was supposed to be and he was flatting with a red headed chick who
wasn't Maya. Then, who was with Maya? He scanned the dance floor and his eyes landed on Maya.
She was dancing with Leonel who seemed to make her laugh. They weren't that close so he had
nothing to feel jealous about. She was his as he was hers.
What I'm I even saying? Boy, I'm really whipped, right?
"None taken." He had looked back at Wesley's direction and he was all over the red headed girl. "He
has his reasons for that, but it's his story to tell and not mine." Chris said looking back at Kyle. "He is a
nice guy."
Kyle laughed as she moved her gaze back at Wesley who was now talking the red headed woman
towards the washrooms. She knew the rest so there was no need of tying figure it out.
"Before I forget, I brought the contract with me, you can go with it and once done reading it, you can
sign it." Chris said pulling the document out. "In case you need anything to be changed or added,
please let you lawyer contact mine."
By the time Chris pulled in the driveway, it was already five o'clock in the morning. The rest of the night
was spend with him trying to have Maya in his arms but it seemed like she was avoiding him after that
sweet kiss that they had shared. That kiss, just the thought of it had him on fire.
He killed the engine and walked to the passage seat to pick his wife without waking her up. It was
already heard to bring her into leaving the party and on the way back. She couldn't help but talk until
she fell asleep halfway.
Maya moved her head and laid it on his chest and that had his heart bit like it was it's last time to do.
He took her upstairs and just when he laid her on the bed and began to walk to the bathroom, spoke
"Don't you dare, Mr. Rollins." He turned to look at her. She was already seated on the bed. "Are you
snicking out on me?"
Of course he wasn't but how could she understand that in the state she was in?
"I'm not, I was just going to the bathroom."
"Good." She said getting up from the bed. "I want to change too."
"Christ, Maya." Chris said looking away.
She had unzipped her dress and it had fallen off her leaving her with nothing but her underwear. She
had no bra to cover those beautiful rounded breast of hers that called for his attention even when
they're covered.
"What?" She asked moving to him. "It's not like you've never seen a naked woman before." Maya
wrapped her hands from behind him. "Besides, you wanted to see me naked before we left and I'm
also your wife. Or do I disgust you?"
This was worse than he thought. Damn that game that they had played. And it was all Kyle's idea to get
her friend drunk without them knowing that he was the one going to pay for it. And when Kyle was
asked, Maya was too tight and she had to loose up, Kyle's word.
So they played never have ever making sure they said something that Maya was the only one who had
never done. That's how she got drunk and why is acting so not like Maya.
"You don't, Maya."
She pulled away from him. "Now I'm Maya? Not kitten or cupcake anymore?"
Chris didn't answer that. To be honest, how do you answer that question. Instead, he moved to her
suitcase to get her night gown which he too a white see through he had seen the day he had gone
through her things.
"Please put this on."
Maya took her gown from his hands and threw it away.
"Give me your shirt." She said stubbornly.
Chris moved to his closet and pulled out one of his shirts.
"Here Maya."
Maya began to cry. "See, you're still calling me that. You don't love me Chris." She was still half naked
and she refused to wear the shirt that he was offering. "Do you know how long I've wanted to wear your
shirt?" She asked wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "Since I was a teenager, the same day I
had your song on radio and said I was in love. And you give me this shirt when I ask for your shirt?"
Chris wanted to pull her into his arms but she bit his hand when he tried to do that. She asked him not
to touch her. He didn't know why but a part of him was happy that Maya got drunk. He would have
never known about her wanting to wear his shirt since teenage.
"I'm giving you my shirt ma... Kitten."
She looked up, "I don't want that, I want the one you're wearing right now."
"But it's all sweaty and so gross."
"Don't you get it, I want to smell you in my sleep but it okay, you don't care about me anyway."
"Cupcake, don't say that." He removed his blazer then his shirt. "Here, you can have it. Lemme help
And he did. He buttoned his shirt on her body and when he was done, he looked at her green eyes
which was a mistake. They drew him in to a point of no return and before he knew it, they were kissing
each other passionately.
Maya just on his bones, wrapping her legs around his waist. Chris squeezed her but earning a moan
from her. She pulled away so that they could all catch some hair but that didn't mean they stopped.
Chris felt her soft hands massage his head and he kissed her throat. He needed more access on her
and that's why he walked them both to the bed.
He laid Maya on her back and he went with her. Lips locked together hands everywhere and anywhere.
Maya pulled his pants down and he helped. He was in his briefs and her hands were on his torso ready
to get rid of the briefs and that's when he came back to his senses.
"Kitten, stop." She didn't which left him with only one option. He held her hands and sat up on the bed.
"Do you want this?" She asked sitting up too. "You don't want me, Chris?"
"Christ Maya, don't say that. I want you more than I need to breath."
"Then what's stopping you?"
"I can't take advantage of you like this. You're drunk."
"It's all your fault that we're in this situation, Chris."
"My fault?" Why Was she blaming him?
"Yes, your so slow..." She said yawning.
How was he slow? He saw she was about to fall asleep but before she told him how slow he was. Or
was it about him to confessing his love for her? Of course he was slow at that. If he told her early,
maybe they wouldn't in the situation they're in right now.
She would be his and him hers but he wasn't about to take advantage of her for his fulfilment.
"What do you me by I'm slo..."
Maya had already fallen asleep. He moved to the other side and got undercover with his wife in his
arms. It wasn't as difficult as he thought it would be and her warmth had him falling asleep too.
But what made him sleep more peaceful was the fact that Maya was feeling it too. That's all that
mattered to him.
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