The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 37



Charlotte was still moody over the ring she had picked out. No matter how many times I tried to cheer her up, I was met with resistance and anger. I couldn't win. Even after we retired to the bedroom, she was more than a little snappy. I decided that some seduction was in order. She was always in a better mood after we did the deed. This time should be no different. I leaned over the bed and kissed her lovingly on the lips. She barely responded. I continued, relentless, her lips parting with reluctance. It was like kissing a dead fish. I began to put my hands underneath her shirt and slowly raised it above her head, slowly dropping it to the floor.

I kissed the nape of her neck, my hand reaching behind to unclasp her bra. She made no move to help me. In fact her body language was stiff. I gently pushed her onto the bed and then undid the button on her pants and slid the zipper down, sliding her pants down her legs and slowly peeling them off. She was already barefoot, and I hooked my fingers underneath her panties, shimmying them down and off, leaving her naked body exposed and open to my gaze. I licked my lips. She looked delectable. I cupped her b****t and squeezed it. No response. I skimmed my hand down her ribcage. She stared up at the ceiling. I began to kiss her navel, feeling the softness of her skin beneath my lips. I spread her legs slowly with my knees, my breathing becoming shallow and frenzied. I touched her c**t and she sighed. Her body relaxed slightly but still remained partially stiff.

I kissed the inside of her thighs and she lay there. Finally, I looked up, feeling annoyed. "What the hell Charlotte, it's like trying to have s*x with a damn starfish. You don't look like you're enjoying this at all" I snapped, glancing at her as she looked at me with an indecipherable expression on her face. "If you don't feel like it then just say so" I was irritable. To access the complete chapters for free, visit J o b Was it so wrong to want to be intimate with her? I was starting to feel neglected. Lately, she never wanted to be affectionate and it had all been about her. What more did she want from me? I had gotten the divorce like she had wanted. I was doing everything in my power to make her happy and she still complained. I was beginning to grow a little bit angry at the situation. I couldn't help but compare her to Flair, as horrible as that sounded.

Flair would at least show some response when we made love. She wasn't overly enthusiastic but she at least showed some initiative and was willing. She hardly ever complained and she cooked for me. Charlotte relied heavily on the cook and the housekeeper to take care of her needs. I didn't mind that, but she didn't have the energy to show any enthusiasm in our relationship. I couldn't do everything.

"Fine" Charlotte snarled, "I'm not in the mood for a f**k right now Johnathon," she said, as I sat there, feeling pissed.

"You should have said before I started" I growled.

"Well, I'm saying now" she shot back.

My hard-on deflated rapidly. I gave a growl of frustration as she sat up and rolled her eyes at me. "You can't expect me to be in the mood when I'm upset like this" she complained.

"Charlotte, there is nothing I can do about the ring!" I practically shouted at her "I've asked your grandfather about it several times, to the point he's about ready to take my head off. He's not willing to give it to you. What do you propose I do? Steal it?" I snorted, glaring at her "You're stuck with the ring you've got. Make the best of it" I advised her in a chilling


"You don't care about me" she pouted.

What? "Would you care to elaborate?" I said with gritted teeth.

"You haven't taken me shopping for a dress for the engagement party," she said sulkily, folding her arms across her chest. Seriously, first a ring, now I had to take her shopping for a dress? I felt like banging my head against the wall. Why couldn't she go dress shopping herself?

"Charlotte since when do you need me to go shopping with you?" I demanded.

"I shouldn't have to buy my own dress for my engagement party. You're the one proposing" she protested.

Was she serious? She'd already cost me a huge amount of money with the ring and now she wanted a dress as well? "Johnathon, all of the wealthy families are going to be there. Do you think I can wear just any old dress?" she asked almost hysterically "no. It has to be designer. I would be a laughingstock if I didn't wear either something custom-made or something that was a one-off by a well-known exclusive designer. How do you not know that?" she said with annoyance. Probably because I didn't care that much about clothes. With men, we just wore tailored suits or tuxedos. I sighed. She was making sense but it didn't have to mean I agreed with it. "You have your own money" I pointed out.

She threw a pillow at me. "You're my fiancee, you're supposed to pay for it" she screeched while I winced "It's not like you're short on cash either Johnathon! Stop being such a skinflint" she added.

I put a hand to my forehead, feeling it begin to throb, the beginnings of a headache starting to form behind my eyes. "If I take you to get a damn dress will that make you happy?" I spat out, glancing at her.

Her eyes glittered "Not just a dress, but shoes and a matching bag and jewelry."

Why didn't she just ask for the moon while she was at it?

I took a deep breath. "Charlotte, can't you just wear shoes you already have?"

Big mistake. "They have to match the dress" she screamed, as I jumped "don't you know anything? Do you want me to be ridiculed in public? You have a lot to learn Johnathon if you're going to be introduced to the same social circles as me" she added, leaning forward and staring at me intently "there are things that are simply not done."

I didn't understand the necessity of buying anything new, but I was also vehemently aware that I needed to keep Charlotte happy if I wanted to make it through this engagement, let alone make the connections and get my hands on her company and the money it would produce.

"Okay, we'll get whatever you need," I said agreeably, watching the petulant expression disappear from her face.

"Oh good," she said happily "We can spend the day out" she added.

I frowned. "I do have to work Charlotte" I reminded her.

She waved a dismissive hand "I already got your assistant to free your schedule up for the rest of the week, until after the engagement party" she said nonchalantly.

I could have killed her. My hand twitched as I fought back the urge to strike her, the first time I have ever felt slightly violent towards a woman. I made a mental note to speak to my assistant about taking orders from somebody other than me. Charlotte was not my wife yet and had no business ordering my employees about.

"Charlotte, in the future speak to me before you do such a thing again," I told her angrily "My work is important to me and I can't make a living if I don't work."

She looked at me innocently "But we need to start making wedding plans as well" she pointed out "so wouldn't this be a perfect time to start?"

Wedding plans. I wanted to laugh if it wasn't so dismal. I coughed, feeling a lump in my throat.

"Sure," I said faintly "but as far as the wedding goes, whatever you want sweetheart. I think that your opinion would be better than mine, seeing as I don't particularly know much about weddings."

The only one I had any knowledge of had been my previous one to Flair's and it had been done in the courthouse. Flair hadn't wanted a large wedding or had I convinced myself she didn't want one? I couldn't remember. Either way, it had been quick and efficient. I had a feeling that the wedding with Charlotte was going to be long, drawn out, and super expensive, the exact opposite of mine and Flair's. I swallowed hard and forced a smile on my face.

"So I can have whatever I want?" Charlotte asked excitedly.

Her mood seemed to have improved, I thought disgruntled as I climbed into bed beside her, resigned.

"Anything your heart desires," I said tiredly.noveldrama

She perked right up. "Thank you, Johnathon. We'll go dress shopping tomorrow" she said gleefully "and I have so many ideas about the wedding and what I want it to look like. Oh I'm so excited" she gushed, going off on a tangent as I tried hard to tune her out. I lay on the bed, staring gloomily up at the ceiling. Charlotte had a smirk on her face. I felt her hand lightly enclose around my clock and glanced at her sharply as she began to slowly rub her hand back and forth while holding it. "What are you doing?"

She gave me a slow seductive smile "Well it just so happens that I feel like I'm in the mood now" she said with a meaningful look as I sucked in a breath "So why don't I make you feel good first" she suggested, moving down the bed as I stared at her in shock. I made a half-hearted attempt to protest and then felt her tongue lick the shaft. I jerked and then exhaled, Charlotte's eyes gleaming as she began to take my c**k in her mouth. I gripped the bedsheets with my hands, my body beginning to tremble as she began to bob her head up and down. All I'd had to do was agree to give her everything she wanted, I thought dazed, as she sucked and licked my c**k, and she had decided that she was in the mood for s*x. Was this going to happen every time? I felt her begin to deepthroat me and lost control of all my senses. Screw it. Who cared what it took for her to feel in the mood. If she needed a hundred dresses I would agree, if it meant I got to f**k her sweet body like this. I groaned, anticipation flooding through my veins as she pulled back and began to move her body over me, positioning herself over my c**k.

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