The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 58

Grayson POV

The party is tame by Charlotte's standards. I assume that Grandfather and Karen had something to do with that. I can't stop looking over at my wife, who is wearing a red wine dress that has a split along the leg and shows off her accents and curves. She's stunning, a goddess in a sea of women who can't even hope to remotely compare to her. I'm proud to have her on my arm, proud to call her my wife. As I drag her to the dance floor, my arms wrap themselves around her, my body instinctively moving closer so that I can look deeper into her eyes. It's heaven. The whole world just drops away. It's like there's nobody else there but the two of us. Exactly as I like it.

She's so soft. Her hair has soft curls that make her hair more wavy as it cascades loosely down her shoulders. Her eyes are dark and smoky, effective with the color of the dress. I want to groan out loud as she sways to the music with me, distantly aware we're in public when all I want to do is take her to the nearest bedroom and ravish her. It seems that some sentences in this chapter require you to read the complete chapters on Jo (b) n i in order to avoid an incomplete reading experience. Her eyes gleam in the light of the marquee and fairy lights dance above her head, granting her a soft halo above her head and an angelic look. I pull her in closer, resting my head on top of hers as she closes her eyes, one arm around her waist, the other one holding her hand. "This is nice" she murmurs as I chuckle.

The atmosphere is calm and pleasant, and the music is soft and gentle. I hear the sound of footsteps approaching and turn my head to see none other than Charlotte accompanied by Johnathon coming toward us and immediately tense. My grandfather is in the crowd I take note, and he's watching from a distance, prepared to step in at a moment's notice as my sister pauses, while I stop dancing and squeeze Flair's hand, turning her to face Charlotte and that no good ex-husband of hers. I force a smile on my face. "Congratulations to you both," I say pleasantly, offering a handshake to a grave-looking Johnathon.

His handshake is weak at best. I grip it tightly and see him wince, before I let it drop, placing a hand on Flair's shoulder and pulling her into my side. "Congratulations" Flair's voice is soft and musical, her eyes wide and filled with untold emotion as she respectfully bows her head towards the two people she should hate the most.

"Why thank you Flair" Charlotte trills, a wicked smile coming to her lips.noveldrama

She's intentionally loud, drawing a crowd who gather to see what's occurring right in front of them. I fight back the scowl from my lips, conscious of watching eyes and her brothers who were still in the back.

"I appreciate you coming here, even though I know how difficult it must be, to see your ex-husband in love with another woman that he intends on marrying, now that he's divorced you" she continued viciously as I stiffened and Flair continued to look at her passively "you're so courageous to show your face in public like this and stand tall" she pretended to compliment Flair.

I was practically shaking with rage. Flair's eyes slid to mine and she discreetly shook her head, a small smile on her lips. She wasn't going to play in to Charlotte's game. Johnathon was silent, rubbing his chin and looking slightly sheepish at Charlotte's attack on Flair. "That's enough Charlotte" I broke in.

She turned and viewed me with a skeptical gaze. "It's so nice to see you again Grayson. It's been so long since I've seen you, my brother" she said with sarcasm "and when I see you, I find you with Flair, the irony is astounding" she laughed, putting a hand to her mouth, acting for all she was worth to the crowd of people who tittered alongside her "pray, tell me, what are you doing with such a lowly woman as Flair?"

My wife had remained tight-lipped during Charlotte's accolade. She kept her dignity and composure, a brilliant smile on her face. She didn't waver not once and I admired her greatly for it. The urge to shout out that she was a Grant rested heavily on my lips, but I kept them back, knowing Flair wanted to divulge that information herself when she was good and ready.

"Well, I guess that it's time that we spread our good news then isn't it Flair honey?" I said, turning to my wife and regarding her with a gentle smile, pushing a loose tendril of hair behind her ear as she smiled up at me, ignoring the crowd completely. Charlotte scoffed. "Good news," she said in disbelief as Johnathon glanced at her uneasily "I doubt it's as good as ours" she exclaimed pettily.

"Charlotte maybe we should just..." Johnathon started to say, glancing around uneasily.

Charlotte's eyes flashed as she turned on him "Johnathon, let my brother speak. Grayson was about to impart some very important news. Let's hear him out" she said with deliberate emphasis "It must be something very special if he wants to announce it in front of our friends and family."

She was gloating. She had always been one to play to the crowd who continued to cheer her on now.

"Tell us Grayson" one man urged, grinning at Charlotte who smirked at him "Tell us the good news."

Flair looked nervous but I squeezed her hand. "I'm proud," I told her meaningfully and watched the light brighten in her eyes.

She understood what I was saying. Her brothers continued to watch the crowd, a look of disgust on their faces. I straightened my shoulders.

"Charlotte I congratulate you on your engagement and your upcoming nuptials. I'm sure that the wedding will be a grand affair" I told her as she nodded smugly at me.

I inclined my head towards my beautiful wife "But I'm afraid that Flair and I might have beaten you to the punch so to speak."

She looked confused as did Johnathon, while lan and Knox high-fived each other in the back, while nobody else was looking. My grandfather was grinning and nodding. He knew this moment would come. Damn him. We could have done this moment more privately but thanks to him, Charlotte, and Johnathon that was no longer an option.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Charlotte said puzzled "Beat us to the punch? Are you two dating?" she asked suspiciously "My god Grayson, how low can you go? I thought your standards were a lot better than that" she added callously, Flair stiffening at the insult.

I smiled cockily. Oh Charlotte, how words can wound. That was an intentional slight towards Flair and the crowd knew it, some of the girls eyeing Flair with open hostility and contempt. I gave a nonchalant shrug.

"You're right Charlotte, my standards are better than that," I told her smoothly as she played with her hair and laughed out loud.

"Told you," she said to Johnathon with glee "there's no way these two would ever get together like that."

I chuckled "I didn't say that exactly," I said, causing her to still, before I slowly bent down and kissed Flair on the cheek, causing her to blush slightly.

I saw Rachel flipping Charlotte off in the crowd while Timothy valiantly tried to hold her back, her lips mouthing a few choice words I wouldn't want to repeat.

"I said that my standards were better than simply dating Flair" I explained as she continued to look at me confused and bewildered, Johnathon scratching the stubble on his chin.

Neither of them could work out what I was alluding to.

"Charlotte Deluca," I said solemnly, my eyes dancing as I glanced at Johnathon who looked particularly angry that I was continuing to touch Flair, "I would like to introduce to you and our friends and family my wife Flair Oakes."

Silence. Stunned silence. Flair gave a tentative smile. You could have heard a pin drop. Johnathon's face went puce. I heard clapping and saw that Rachel, Timothy, Knox, and lan were offering their congratulations, making me chuckle. "You, two, married" Johnathon said in a strangled voice "You must be joking. This is some sort of practical joke. What would you see in her?" he asked in disdain.

Son of a b***h had just insulted Flair for the last time. I reached out and grabbed the lapels of his jacket in my fists "For starters she's gorgeous, funny, kind, smart, and loving. She's everything I could hope for in a wife and you will not insult my wife, to my face anymore, is that understood?" I asked him between gritted teeth.

lan and Knox looked hopefully on as Johnathon trembled in my grasp, a look of disappointment coming over their faces as Johnathon slowly shook his head. I let go of the bastard and he hastily smoothed down his coat, while Charlotte remained where she was, frozen solid, her lips still parted as she looked consideringly between Flair and me, as though debating what to say now. She looked like she was about to be sick. This was something she hadn't anticipated happening at the party and now she was confronted with the unwelcome news she didn't know how to react as the crowd watched on expectantly. She was surely remembering that she was not supposed to cause a scandal while the media continued to take photographs from afar. Her lip twitched. "I um. you must be, that is" Charlotte wheezed, the blood draining out of her face.

"Why don't you simply just say congratulations," I said with a smirk as the crowd began to murmur amongst themselves "And welcome to the family?" I suggested "Seeing as she's now your sister-in-law?"

Charlotte's eyes narrowed. Flair turned to me "Grayson, could we go get something to eat. I'm feeling a little hungry" she said quietly.

I kissed her on the forehead "Certainly."

I went to tug her through the crowd which was beginning to disperse when Charlotte's furious voice shouted out "Wait!"

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