The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 59

Flair POV

Charlotte was acting exactly as the brat I thought she was. I valiantly kept my composure even as she insulted me to my face, determined to rise above her pettiness. Grayson was remarkable, steady, his grip on me never faltering and he never once left me there to flounder alone. As we turned our backs on Charlotte and that miserable excuse of an ex-husband of mine, we had taken not even two steps when Charlotte's shrill voice rang through the crowd again "Wait" halting us in our tracks as I shot Grayson a mutinous look. I was beginning to lose my patience with the girl. So was Grayson. She stormed over to us and paused in front of us, pointing at me with a shaking finger.

"What now Charlotte?" I asked tiredly, as she gaped and began to splutter indignantly.

"No way" she blustered, and then screamed "That ring, that ring on your finger, that was supposed to be mine" as I cringed at the piercing sound of her voice that swept through the crowd and filled my ears. Grayson looked amused. I glanced down at the ring on my finger, admiring it slowly.

"This ring?" I asked intentionally as Charlotte tried to make a grab for my hand and I yanked it away before she could get her grubby hands on it, her eyes wide with anger "Grayson gave me this ring when we got married" I said prettily "It's such a darling ring, don't you think?"

It was petty of me but she was getting on my nerves now.

Charlotte stomped her foot. I wanted to laugh out loud at how childish she looked as she began to throw the world's biggest temper tantrum. "That ring rightfully belongs to me. It's a family heirloom" she screeched, her mother Karen coming out from the crowd and joining her, a look of utter dismay on her face as she looked between her daughter and Grayson "he had no right to take it and give it to you. No right at all" she wailed.

"I had every right," Grayson said, grabbing my hand and covering the ring with his fingers "That ring belonged to my grandmother and my family. Flair is now my family," he said gruffly and my heart melted at such a simple statement, made in the midst of an argument and yet, his voice dripped with sincerity.

"Bastard" Charlotte yelled "You knew how much I wanted that ring and you took it. I have been dreaming of having it for my own wedding. How could you" she pretended to sob, some of the crowd looking on with sympathy as she fake cried. Grayson snorted "You don't deserve this ring Charlotte. Besides, I was given the ring to give to Flair so maybe you should consider that."

She gaped. I stared at her. So the grandfather had known she wanted the ring, I thought with a small smile curving on my lips and had chosen to give it to me instead. It was very telling of the old man's character.

The grandfather pushed his way through. "John" Karen snapped, Charlotte's mother and obvious enabler, turning to glare at him, while her daughter continued to sob and look pitiful "How could you break your granddaughter's heart like this? You knew how much this ring meant to her. She even asked to have it! How could you just pass it on to Grayson like this?"

Grayson looked thoroughly put out. The crowd was murmuring amongst themselves.

"Quiet" Grandfather snarled "What I did with the ring was nobody's business but my own. It was my wife's ring and therefore mine to give away. Naturally, I gave it to Grayson for his wife. It should go to the grandson first. Flair will continue on the family line" he pointed out as Charlotte glowered.

"Except she won't. She has Oakes as her last name" Charlotte seethed.

"So? It's Grayson's mother's maiden name and while the name might not be that of Deluca, the child she gives birth to will always be a Deluca" the grandfather said simply and then shot Charlotte an admonishing glance "As for you, I did not trust you not to sell the ring the first chance you got, you greedy little pig" he declared causing Charlotte's jaw to drop.noveldrama

I tried not to laugh. My brother's shoulders were shaking as they turned away, while I could see Rachel snorting into her drink and Timothy chuckling beside her. Grayson chuckled at Charlotte "I think that Grandfather has given an adequate explanation for what he's done, don't you? Are you through causing a scene?" he asked her pointedly.

Charlotte glowered at us both, while her mother started to glance nervously around and wring both her hands together anxiously.

"Give me the ring," she told me, narrowing her eyes.

"Miss Deluca I'm afraid I must refuse," I said politely, smirking at her "My husband gifted this ring to me and as such is the only one permitted to ask for it back. Do you want it back?" I asked Grayson meaningfully.

A small smile played on his lips. "I have no such desire to see that ring taken from your finger," he said gently "not so long as you remain my wife."

"Grayson" Karen barked and he turned on her.

"Don't" he said warningly "don't even think of trying to exert your authority in order to help your spoilt daughter get what she wants. This is non-negotiable. My wife will keep the black diamond ring, whether you like it or not. Touch her and I'll break your hand, woman or not" he said icily.

Karen gulped. Johnathon looked ill as he glanced between everyone. Naturally, Charlotte turned to him next, playing the victim still.

"Johnathon, do something" she hissed, pointing at me "She's your ex-wife, tell her to give me the ring."

I rolled my eyes. Johnathon looked at Charlotte as though she were mad.

"Charlotte you already have a ring that I've bought you. You heard Grandfather and Grayson, the black diamond is Flair's. I can't make her give it to you" he said apologetically "But the ring you have is nice enough, isn't it?" he added trying to placate the furious


"Aaargh" she screamed, the crowd staring at her, some openly laughing and giggling. "I can't believe this, my own grandfather is ruining my life" she yelled hysterically.

"Get over it" the grandfather advised her "and stop making a scene. Good god, didn't I warn you the press were here?" he was blunt and rather dismissive.

I liked him. He was nonchalant and clearly used to Charlotte's tantrums. Reminded by the fact the media and press were there to take pictures, Charlotte's pallor turned pale. Her mother attempted to comfort her, embracing her and rubbing her arms with her hands. "It's okay sweetheart" she crooned "just take deep breaths. I can ask the press not to print anything about this and delete their photos."

So her own mother was used to Charlotte's boorish behavior, I thought with some amusement. The grandfather let out a huff. "She's a grown adult, Karen, you really need to let her grow up," he said exasperatedly and then turned to the crowd "Back to the party" he shouted and the crowd quickly dispersed and went back to mingling.

"Mother, I, wanted, that ring" hiccuped Charlotte, her face contorted in misery, her makeup beginning to smear.

"I know, let's go clean up your face" her mother whispered, trying to be discrete.

I fought back my laughter as Charlotte's mother began to whip her towards the house, leading her out of the marquee, Johnathon glancing at us before silently following in their wake.

Grayson sighed. "Flair I must apologize for that scene," he said firmly as the grandfather calmly walked away as though nothing had happened "I knew that Charlotte wanted the ring and I had my suspicions something might happen, but I didn't think she would lose her temper so violently at a party."

He didn't know Charlotte that well, I thought with amusement. He squeezed my hand. I smiled "Don't worry about it, I feel sorry for her" I added as he looked at me confused.

"You do?" he asked "Why is that?"

"It must be hard being denied something for the first time in your life" I answered, causing him to fling back his head and laugh out loud.

"Right on the money," he said guffawing "Come let us go sit down and I'll get you some food if it's edible" he muttered. We began to sit down, Knox and lan joining us, along with Rachel and Timothy. Rachel was gleeful as Timothy went off to grab her food. "That was epic" she chortled, while lan nodded and Knox chuckled "I wish I had the sense to get it all on camera" she added a little forlornly.

Knox glanced at her "You didn't? Huh, I had the sense to get it all on camera, just in case I want to release it later in an attempt to blackmail her" he commented drily.

Rachel looked shocked. I giggled "Knox, delete it" I warned him "you know that our father would not approve of such methods."

"Can't I just keep it for personal use? I mean it was such a glorious tantrum" he pouted.

I shook my head while Rachel had tears of laughter in her eyes.

He pouted as he deleted the video off his phone.

"Has she seen you yet lan?" Knox asked, leaning back in his chair.

lan looked a little taken aback "I don't think she has, why?"

Knox gave an evil grin "Well didn't she ask you out that one time and you said no?"

lan shifted uncomfortably in his seat "Well I'm sure it wasn't that memorable to her" he began to protest.

"Are you kidding, that would have been permanently etched in her memory" Rachel said in awe "The great lan Grant saying no to the likes of Charlotte Deluca? Man, I can't wait until she runs into you at this party."

"I plan on staying in the background," lan said uncomfortably, the tip of his ears turning pink "so she probably won't notice."

"I plan on shoving you into her," Knox said blandly, eyeing his twin "So that won't work" he advised lan with a mischievous grin that had him blanching as Grayson came back and put a plate of food in front of me.

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